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Minister of Economic Affairs Lemke (Rhineland-Palatinate) visits semicentralized Ressource Recovery Center in Qingdao
The Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Economic Affairs Eveline Lemke together with a delegation of 40 members visits the Chinese cities of Qingdao, Beijing, Shanghai and Fuzhou. The aim of the trip was to pave the way for companies from Rhineland-Palatinate to establish contacts on the Chinese market, to promote innovative products from the Rhineland-Palatinateand the business location Rhineland-Palatinate.
Lemke: "German and Rhineland-Palatinate products are highly valued in China. The purpose of our trip is now to expand trade relations and the knowledge transfer continuously to open the door to China for our small and middle szized companies. "
As part of the trip, Minister Lemke also visited the world’s first semicentralized Ressource Recovery Center in Qingdao, for which we want to express our gratitude.